The information about the Neighbourhood Plan on this page is divided into a number of sections for ease of reference. You can display the contents of any section by clicking on the relevant heading.
- Neighbourhood Plan: Introduction
Historically planning and development decisions have been based upon the Development Plans produced by Derbyshire Dales District Council. New legislation has now given Town and Parish Councils the power to produce their own plans, called Neighbourhood Plans.The Neighbourhood Plan will specify the form, size, type and design of new development. The intention is to empower local people to take a proactive role in shaping the future of the areas in which they live. Once in place, the plan will comprise the framework for change in the area for the next twenty years.
There are a number of stages that the Neighbourhood Plan has to go through. Firstly the Parish Council Neighbourhood Forum has to decide on the Neighbourhood Area boundary. The Council Forum then has to prepare for the production of its Neighbourhood Plan by making people aware of its plans, developing local partnerships, consulting widely and building an evidence base.
The evidence base will inform the vision and aims of the plan which will in turn inform the formulation of policy proposals that will go into the draft Neighbourhood Plan.
The draft plan will be submitted to Derbyshire Dales District Council who will check that it fits in with the strategic policies in their Local Plan.
The District Council will then arrange for an independent examination of the plan. If this stage is successful the plan will then be the subject of a public referendum. A referendum vote in favour by more than 50% of voters will mean that Doveridge Village Plan becomes part of the Development Plan for the Doveridge Parish.
- Neighbourhood Plan: The story so far…
In May 2015 Doveridge Parish Council set up a Neighbourhood Plan committee called the ‘Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’ in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Localism Act 2011.In June 2015 a meeting for residents was held in the village hall to inform residents of developments being proposed for Doveridge and the need to write a Neighbourhood Plan.
In August Derbyshire Dales District Council were asked to approve the whole parish as the area to be covered by the Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan. This was agreed in October 2015. A consultant was then appointed to help lead the project through to a successful conclusion.
10 of our Steering Group spent the morning watching a presentation, given by Hannah Barter from Urban Vision, on how to proceed with our Neighbourhood Plan. This was followed by a lively question and answer session about all aspects of the future work we need to do. Hannah restored our enthusiasm but left us in no doubt about the size and duration of the task we have undertaken. She congratulated us on the work done three years ago on the original draft plan and felt we could use a lot of the material to supplement the new policies we have to insert into the new Neighbourhood Plan.
In the afternoon two of the team worked with Hannah to complete the Project Plan and a time line. They then completed the complicated application for an initial grant, to help with the costs of the future work to be undertaken.
The meeting began at 10 and ended at 4:30. It was a long but fruitful day and we appreciated the time given up by members of the team.
Hannah advised us to now be known as the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group so that is what you will see on future e mails and postings.
18th January a workshop was held in the Village Hall to collect evidence on different aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan. Approx. 200 people attended and gave us their opinions.
18th January 2016 a Housing Needs Survey delivered to every household in the Parish. Approximately 200 were returned and the data analysed.
8th March a meeting with the Planning Policy Manager from Derbyshire Dales District Council re aspects of the Neighbourhood Plan.
11th April a meeting with Isabel Frenzel the DDDC’s Housing Officer on housing issues within the N.Plan.
17th April 2016 A 12 page questionnaire based on evidence already gained from the Village Workshop and the Housing Needs Survey, sent to every household (600). Almost 300 were returned and the information was analysed. This data has been used to inform the writing of the Neighbourhood Plan.
26th April a workshop with Hannah Barter, a Consultant from Urban Vision, to assist us with our Policy Planning in the N.Plan.
11th May a meeting with Hannah Barter,a Consultant, to help us prepare a draft template of the N.Plan. Hannah allocated work for individuals to complete before the next meeting.
14th June a meeting with Hannah Barter, a Consultant, to review the draft plan, make amendments and to allocate further work.
An e mail circulation group was set up to inform 200 people and a closed Facebook page was also created, accessible by 229 people.
Members of the Steering Group contacted twenty two partners in local businesses and organisations within Doveridge. Meetings were held with the Headteacher of the local Primary School.
The Steering Group has engaged with several agents applying for planning permission on several different sites within the village.
In addition to all these meeting with other agencies, the Steering Group has met twelve times to prepare for the work being undertaken in the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan.
On Tuesday 7th March Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan, along with the Consultation Document and the Basic Conditions Statement were submitted to Derbyshire Dales District Council.
We are awaiting a timetable from the Council for the next steps which include a six week consultation, scrutiny by an examiner and finally a referendum. At that stage the residents of the Parish of Doveridge will be able to vote and say if they support the adoption of the Plan.
The formulation of a Neighbourhood Plan is a very detailed task and has to be completed according to rules laid down by the government. On the way it has to receive ongoing scrutiny from DDD Council, has to be in convergence with their Local Plan and must have been consulted on by the residents within the Parish. The small team of volunteers has worked tirelessly for almost two years to achieve the completion of the three documents necessary for it to go to examination.
- Regulation 16 Consultation (October 2017)
Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group reports, “Derbyshire Dales District Council has put our Neighbourhood Plan out for Regulation 16 Consultation prior to Independent Examination. The Consultation will run from 30th October 2017 for six weeks.”The key documents are available here:
Reg 16 Final Doveridge NP BC Statement 18Oct17
Reg 16 Full Doveridge Consultation Statement 18Oct2017
Reg 16 Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan 18Oct2017 - Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Copy
- Themes and issues
Members of the Parish Council Neighbourhood Steering Group will be looking at issues raised by the community in topic areas such as Housing and Environment, Leisure and Health, Employment and Shopping, Education and Utilities.
- Earlier documents (for reference)
Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2033
Advert for publication in press
Doveridge Neighbourhood Plan Publicity Consultation (Regulation 14) Response FormDocuments from previous consultation (Spring 2016):
Housing Needs SurveyNEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN APPENDIX ONE pages 49/50
11 Consultation statement pages 18/19, Seven Trent
12 Spreadsheets and further detailed information available from The Clerk to Doveridge Parish Council
13 Spreadsheets and further detailed information available from The Clerk to Doveridge Parish Council
14 Listed Buildings in Doveridge
- Ivy Cottage, Alms Road – Grade II
- Petworth, Church Lane – Grade II
- Stable Block and attached gates – Grade II
- Church of St. Cuthbert – Grade I
- Churchyard Cross, Church of St. Cuthbert – Grade II
- Dove Bridge – Grade II*
- Ley Hill Farmhouse and attached barn – Grade II
- Home Farm House, West Broughton – Grade II*
- Lodge, Brocksford Hall – Grade II
- Brocksford Hall – Grade II
- Cavendish Arms – Grade II
- Eaton Hall Farm House – Grade II
- Flacketts Cottage, Flacketts Lane – Grade II
- The Gables, Lower Street – Grade II
- Slade House, Lower Street – Grade II
- The Willows, Lower Street – Grade II
- Lower Street Farm House – Grade II*
- Old Hall Farm House – Grade II
- Woodhouse Farm House, Marston Lane – Grade II
- Old Vicarage, Church Lane – Grade II
- Manor House, Pickleys Lane – Grade II*
- Brookside, Pickleys Lane – Grade II
- Heath House Farm House Somersal Heath Lane – Grade II
- North Lodge Farm House, Upwards Road – Grade II
- Eaton Dovedale Farm – Grade II
Further information available from Doveridge Preservation Society
19 The report from the Clinical Commissioning Group is contained on page 17 in the Neighbourhood Plan
20 The report from Derbyshire County Council Public Transport Unit is on page 26/27 of the Consultation statement.
- Accessibility
If you have difficulty reading then please ask the Parish Clerk for a large print version of what you are interested in.
- Neighbourhood Plan: Introduction