Parish Council meetings

Parish Council Meetings

Meetings of the Doveridge Parish Council are presently held on the first Tuesday in every month in the Kitchen at the Village Hall starting at 7.30pm. (See the on-line diary for confirmation of actual dates)

Public Attendance at Meetings

Any member of the public is welcome to attend for any part (or all) of the Meeting. A public session is held at the start of the meeting to enable individuals to raise matters of concern.

The Chairman will allow you to speak for up to three minutes. Meetings start promptly at 7.30pm so arrive late and you may miss the opportunity!

Once the public session is over, members of the public are not entitled to speak during the formal business of the council unless specifically invited to do so by the meeting chairman.

Annual Parish Meeting

An annual meeting for all electors is held (usually in March). Although hosted by the Parish Council, this is an opportunity for all village organisations to report on their activities during the previous year. Matters of concern raised by the electors can then be considered by the Parish Council at their regular meetings.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes will be added here when they have been approved at the following meeting of the Parish Council.

2025 Parish Council Meetings

  • (coming soon)

Links to view the minutes of earlier meetings are available elsewhere on this page.

Minutes of Parish Council meetings

You can display the list of minutes for any year by clicking on the relevant heading below.