Finding the Village Hall

Finding Doveridge Village Hall

Doveridge has excellent links to the A50 and A515 and is just 2 miles from Uttoxeter, 13 miles from Ashbourne, 17 miles from Stafford, 19 miles from Derby and 21 miles from Stoke on Trent.

The postal address for Doveridge Village Hall is Sand Lane, Doveridge, DE6 5JQ.

Directions from Stoke-on-Trent

  • after the second roundabout into Uttoxeter take the first exit signed Doveridge
  • turn right at the slip road T junction towards the village
  • go over the roundabout into Sand Lane. The Village Hall is on the left, next to the playing field.

Directions from Stafford and Uttoxeter

  • go to the A50 roundabout next to the Racecourse Motel
  • take third exit onto A50 towards Derby
  • take first exit to Doveridge and follow the Stoke-on-Trent directions above.

Directions from Derby via the A50

  • after the Sudbury roundabout take the first exit signed Ashbourne and Doveridge
  • at the bottom of the slip road take the second exit from the roundabout, signed Doveridge
  • continue on the road towards the village and, at the roundabout, take first left turn into Sand Lane. The Village Hall is on the left, next to the playing field.

Directions from Ashbourne via A515

  • at the A50 intersection continue over the first roundabout (under the A50)
  • at the next roundabout take the second exit signed Doveridge and then follow the directions given for Derby above.