2025 Parish Council Meetings
2025 Parish Council Meetings
- (coming soon)
A tradition almost 1,000 years old will come to an end as St Cuthbert’s Churchyard will reach its capacity for burial. Whilst interment of ashes will still be possible in the churchyard, burials will move to the Parish Burial Ground which is owned by the Parish Council on behalf of the village community.
When you arrange a burial in a facility not owned by the Church, you lease the plot for a specific time, typically 99 years. During this lease period, you have Exclusive Rights of Burial (EROB) at the plot. Your loved one is guaranteed never to be relocated against your wishes, and you can even have a second person buried in the same plot. There is a charge associated with this lease, but we have tried to keep the price reasonable, particularly for residents of the village.
Please see documentation detailing Burial Ground Fees, Regulations, Notice of Interment Form and Memorial Application Form. We recommend you engage a Funeral Director at the earliest convenience to help you through the process, as what is such a sad time.
The Burial Ground is at the end of Derby Road Doveridge, at the Junction of Hall Drive. The full postal address is Doveridge Burial Ground, Derby Road, Doveridge, Ashbourne, DE6 5LG.
Contact the Clerk to Parish Council via clerk-doveridgepc@hotmail.com.
(This area of the website will have details of current applications in our parish)
Please find below documents relating to the conduct of Doveridge Parish Council business:
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, every organisation that processes personal information has to register with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), unless they are exempt.
As public authority, Doveridge Parish Council has registered with the ICO as a “Data Controller”